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Why is my Air Conditioner Not Cooling the House

Why is my Air Conditioner Not Cooling the House?

On those hot summer days, coming home to a nice, cool house can be like walking from the desert into an oasis. It relieves and calms you. However, you don’t feel quite as much relief if you realize that your air conditioner is not cooling your home to the desired temperature. There can be a few explanations why your air conditioner is not cooling your house.

Location, Location, Location

The location of your thermostat is important and can have a major impact on how efficiently your HVAC system works. If it’s in a room that gets more sunlight or is less well insulated than other rooms, the room may take longer to cool than rooms that are more shaded or have fewer windows. This means that the temperature reading where the thermostat is located doesn’t necessarily reflect that of other rooms in the house.

The best location for thermostats is away from doors, vents, appliances and the kitchen. Both draperies and direct sunlight should also be avoided, as should any draftier areas in your home. Place thermostats near rooms where temperature matters the most, such as the den, family room or bedrooms. On analog thermostats, a temperature within 3 degrees — above or below — of the setting is usually considered accurate. Digital thermostats, as you may guess, are more precise.

Blocked Vents and Dirty Coils

Significant temperature differences from room to room in your house could mean that air is not flowing correctly. Check to make sure that the vents are opened or closed, as desired, and are unblocked by furniture, rugs or other objects. Most often, however, if the cooling system isn’t reaching the setting on your thermostat, the problem may be with the system itself or with the ductwork in your house.

A dirty air conditioner coil can have a negative impact on both your system’s ability to cool the house and your electric bill. Throughout the year, leaves, dirt, spores and debris can accumulate in your system’s coils. A professional cleaning every year — along with a monthly filter change — will go a long way toward keeping your HVAC system in good working order.

Thermostat Setting Not an Issue

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that if it seems your air conditioner is not cooling appropriately, turning down your thermostat will not help — nor will turning up your heat, if you are trying to warm your house. Both your furnace and your air conditioner generate the same amount of hot or cool air, no matter where you set the thermostat. A lower setting just means that the air conditioner will run longer to generate a greater volume of cool air to replace the warmer air in your house, until the air in the room where the thermostat is located reaches the temperature that you’ve programmed.

If your air conditioner is not cooling your home like you think it should, call a professional like the HVAC pros at Reliable Heating & Air. They can make sure your thermostat is properly installed and programmed, check your duct work and examine your A/C unit for any blockage or problems. In the hot Georgia summers, your home should be an oasis; call Reliable when it seems more like a desert.