a white sink sitting under a blue sky

The Reliable

Water Filtration Systems Protect Your Family and Save You Money

Access to safe, drinkable tap water in the home is something we take for granted in the Atlanta Metro area. But how safe is that water, really? Worries about the chemical content in our drinking water have increased the popularity of bottled water, but there are numerous drawbacks to this solution. Besides the expense of buying bottled water, the mound of plastic bottles is growing in landfills and polluting the Atlantic Ocean and the rivers of Georgia. Bottled water is simply not sustainable. Here’s why a water filtration system for your whole home is a safer, more affordable, greener solution.

Whole-home water filtration is safer

Utility companies in and around Atlanta have a difficult task. They must provide clean water for millions, yet they must purify water with chemicals to get the job done. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), they created standards for utility companies that weigh the bad (chemical additives) with the good (water that is safe for the short term).

It’s difficult to say whether this juggling act is working, and what the effects will be in the future. For so long, utility companies used chlorine for purification, but the dangers of this chemical have led many to switch to monochloramine. This system may be safer, but it’s by no means safe: the EPA says there is research linking monochloramine to bladder cancer, as well as “liver, kidney, central nervous system problems, and reproductive effects.”

That’s scary stuff. A quality filtration system will remove these toxins from your water, as well as the traces of lead and other bacteria that have been found in public water. Homeowners can also add mineralization systems that provides essential nutrients for your family. The drinking water in the kitchen will receive the full treatment, but the rest of your home will have monochloramine and chlorine removed. That’s a smart step, because these chemicals can also cause skin problems.

Eliminating the expense and hassle of bottled water

The idea of installing a whole-home water filtration system may sound daunting, but experienced plumbers can handle the job with ease. From a cost standpoint, filtration systems actually help you save money when compared to the cost of bottled water. Sophisticated reverse-osmosis systems are very affordable, as are whole-home filtration systems. They can equal what you might pay for three or four months of bottled water.

Of course, eliminating the hassle of transporting water is incredibly appealing. Lugging bottles of water home from a grocery store is exhausting and unnecessary. Filtration systems deliver purer, tastier water that flows out of your kitchen sink.

Water filtration systems are the green solution

As landfills overflow and the sea becomes more polluted, it’s difficult to rationalize turning to plastic bottles every time you’d like a drink of water. Even if the bottles are recycled, there are other significant effects on the environment.

Huge trucks transport bottled water across the country, burning large quantities of fuel (much of it highly polluting diesel fuel). It also takes oil and power to produce the bottles that hold the water. Transporting the empty bottles to a recycling plant again involves the use of heavy-duty vehicles, and then the recycling machines burn more energy to create a reusable plastic product. That’s a lot of resources to use for drinking water.

Reliable Heating & Air can install advanced water filtration systems in your home to deliver pure water for your family every day of the year. Aside from the superior quality, you’ll have a water solution that’s as affordable as it is green.