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The Reliable

Smartphone Home Automation: It’s Here, Efficient and Affordable

Though you can find nearly any piece of information and perform countless tasks on a smartphone, many people are surprised about the potential of phone-based home automation. You can control appliances, monitor temperatures and activate a home alarm from any device connected to the Internet — and it isn’t terribly expensive, either. Here’s what smartphone home automation can do for you.

Smart and Efficient Automation 

Many homeowners in Fayetteville may be surprised to learn exactly what a home automation system can do these days. Here are the key features available on your tablet, phone or computer:

  • Lock controls. These days, there’s nothing shocking about automated locks. You can find key fobs in the latest cars and click open a home without surprising your friends. However, when you have home automation in place, you can do the same from an Internet device. Systems from brands like Nexia provide a bridge to the Internet that lets you communicate with your home. If you want to check on your locks, it’s only a few clicks away.
  • Watching costs. Smartphone home automation comes into play in more ways than security. Controlling your home energy costs means turning off HVAC systems when you aren’t home and have no need for full power. An automated system helps you avoid lapses like these, allowing you to operate the most efficient home possible. Automated systems also tell you whether lights or kitchen appliances are on that shouldn’t be. You’ll find your investment in automation starts paying off quickly.
  • Adjusting temperatures. If you’re coming home on a bitterly cold day, it can take some time to make a house comfortable again. With smartphone home automation, you can start adjusting your home temperature before you even arrive. That way, you can walk through the door and enjoy a home that’s already set to the temperature you prefer, making your family feel at home immediately. You can also keep a light on to make it appear someone is home — an old security technique.
  • Checking in with wireless cameras. While automation can point out when doors or windows open, it’s troubling to think what could be happening. You can remove the doubt by installing wireless cameras and watching them from your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Another feature allows you to start recording from different spots when there is an event that catches your attention. If you have older relatives at home — or pets you’re concerned about — this feature can offer you real peace of mind.
  • Pairing HVAC installation with automation to find savings. Homeowners considering a new HVAC system should also think about pairing the installation with an automation package. Innovative systems from Nexia and Trane cost less than some new smartphones. Ask HVAC technicians about available deals when you package the two terrific services together.

Reliable Heating & Air offers deals on home automation when you are adding new HVAC equipment to your home. Find out how you can increase your peace of mind and make your life better with automation today.

Image Source: morgueFile