a white sink sitting under a blue sky

The Reliable

Remodeling an Older Home: 5 Electrical Challenges

Thinking about remodeling an older home in the Buckhead area? Older homes have many quaint and unique features worth keeping, like original woodwork, intricate window casings and hardwood flooring; however, electrical is generally not one of them. Even though it’s possible to maintain the integrity of an older electrical system, it’s generally not cost effective to do so.

Learn the electrical challenges you need to be aware of, and make the best decisions for your home based on your budget.


One of the primary concerns when upgrading electrical components involves safety. In most cases, homes constructed many decades, or centuries, ago do not come close to complying with today’s electrical safety standards. For that reason alone, it’s well worth updating the home’s entire electrical system, especially if you’re already tearing down walls and ripping up floors. The electrical components are easily accessible at this time, and installation will be easy, since the electrician can access hidden areas to install the electrical lines.


In many older homes, electrical outlets are scarce, because when the homes were built, electrical needs were few. Not only does the home’s main circuit box probably lack the necessary power to safely accommodate today’s tech-savvy homeowners, but rooms also generally lack sufficient outlets and overhead lighting. During the remodeling project, you can plan to add overhead lighting controlled by switches and electrical outlets to supply power to computers, lamps, clocks and handheld devices. The plans should include revamping the home’s main power supply too, ensuring that it can meet the increased demand.


GFCIs, or ground-fault circuit interrupters, are devices that shut off electrical flow if they detect energy is moving down the wrong path. Today’s electrical codes require that ground-fault circuit interrupters are installed in kitchens and bathrooms. The GFCIs are designed to instantly shut off power to the circuit should it become wet. To ensure optimal safety in these areas, plan to add GFCIs within four feet of all workspaces, like sinks, in the basement, bathroom, garage and kitchen.

Wiring type

Many decades ago, it was standard to install aluminum wiring in homes; however, aluminum wiring quickly corrodes when it meets a copper material. Home experts have discovered that the aluminum wiring easily loosens, which can lead to significant hazards like fires and arcing. If your home employs this kind of wiring, it’s imperative that you replace it or ensure the electrician retrofits the wire with the appropriate solution if you’re remodeling an older home.

Wear and tear

Romex is today’s wiring standard; however, older copper wiring can meet its performance, as long as it’s maintained and doesn’t violate electrical codes. Your electrician should carefully assess its condition before making decisions about wiring upgrades. If your older home employs knob and tube wiring, consider replacing it. This wiring can’t be properly grounded, and it’s likely to overheat or melt.

Do you need help with electricity problems? Are you considering remodeling an older home? Consider your options, and enlist an expert electrician to help assess your existing electrical system.

Be prepared to face a few electrical challenges, and if you need expert advice, contact Reliable Heating & Air for a complimentary home consultation.

Image source: Flickr