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The Reliable

The Ultimate HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Regular annual HVAC maintenance can extend the life of heating and cooling equipment, effectively driving a higher return on investment. That means you not only get more value from the money you invest in the equipment, but you’ll also receive the maximum life span an HVAC system can allow. Those who don’t service their HVAC systems regularly experience more equipment failures and higher repair costs along with higher operating costs.

An air conditioning system that’s clean and well-maintained operates more efficiently, so you’ll save money on cooling energy costs each month. A system that operates efficiently generates a higher level of home comfort, too.

Here’s an HVAC maintenance checklist of tasks a heating and cooling contractor will follow during HVAC maintenance.

The HVAC Servicing

At Reliable Heating & Air, our HVAC technicians follow industry-standard best practices, employing a rigorous and comprehensive standard of preventative maintenance for the homeowners we serve in the Metro Atlanta area.

Because residential A/C equipment generally consists of an indoor and outdoor unit, there are several components the technician will check including the outdoor unit and coil, the indoor air handler and the indoor cooling coil. These are just some of the steps our highly trained technicians follow when servicing HVAC systems.  See our HVAC maintenance checklist below.

Servicing the indoor and outdoor unit involves:

  • Comprehensively cleaning the entire A/C system, including cleaning the outdoor condenser coil, motors and heat exchanger.
  • Inspecting the entire HVAC unit for damage, wear and tear and signs of failure.
  • Checking wires, controls and capacitors and checking all amp draws.
  • Assessing the overall condition of the compressor, condenser, tubing, heat exchanger, burner and cleaning the condensate drain.

Heating-specific tasks your technician will follow include:

  • Checking the heat exchanger for cracks.
  • Ensuring the gas lines are in good shape and all cutoffs work properly and do not leak.

Cooling-specific tasks include:

  • Checking the unit’s refrigerant charge. If any HVAC refrigerant leaks are noted, tech will advise you on proper course of action to be explored.
  • Inspecting and cleaning the condensate pump system.
  • Checking the indoor and outdoor coils, removing dirt that inhibits heat transfer.

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The Risks 

The investment in annual HVAC service more than pays you back in terms of the benefits it affords. However, the investment also helps you avoid the consequences of neglecting the system, which include higher air conditioner repair costs, premature system failure, higher monthly energy costs and poor comfort in the home.

The Benefits

The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) agrees that homeowners benefit significantly when they regularly schedule service for their HVAC systems. Namely, homeowners can secure these perks with annual HVAC maintenance.

  • Maintain HVAC system efficiency as the equipment ages.
  • Achieve better air quality inside the home.
  • Lower household energy costs.
  • Net fewer air conditioning repair costs over the equipment’s life cycle.
  • Gain a longer service life from the heating and cooling equipment.

Peace of mind

If you’re ready to invest in the health of your HVAC system, contact Reliable Heating & Air to ask about our “Peace of Mind” plan. Our plan goes beyond the standard checks and inspections. Instead, our technicians make sure the system is in good shape and runs as efficiently as possible. The plan also includes perks like priority service, discounts for repairs and no charge for service after hours. Reliable’s Peace of Mind Plan can be customized to cover all your HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems.

Don’t let your investment in HVAC equipment dwindle. Start saving today, and contact Reliable Heating & Air to schedule HVAC maintenance.